Sunday, February 1, 2009

Check-In No. 1


Things Leaving the House:

Note: if you really want to see the numbers, click on the photo and you should be able to see a larger version.

1. Ugly fake Chinese vase. Belonged to my father-in-law. I have always hated it, but DH wanted to keep it. Today I caught him in a get-rid-of-it frame of mind. Gone!
2. Weird very old craft kit. Suspected origin: my grandma’s garagesale habit. Newsflash: this is not an heirloom. Gone!
3. Hideous green apple paperweight. Why do we have this? Gone.
4. Dead leaves. WTF?
5. Sun tea or kool-aid jars for parties. Lids are lost. Pitchers work just as well – no, better. Gone.
6. My ancient alarm clock. Kept for sentimental reasons…. Except really? Why? No, not worth anything, I checked. The alarm is heinously loud. I took a nice photo and will maybe scrapbook it with some of the other flotsam and jetsam from my childhood. Til then: gone.
7. These are those marbles you put in vases to help arrange flowers. My children are fascinated by them and I keep finding them everywhere. SOOOO not worth the trouble. Gone.
8. Irritating noisemaking toy from a birthday grab bag. No-brainer.
9. Pacifier-style baby thermometer. Seemed like a good idea at the time. Gone.

Put Away or Found New Homes:

1. Easter basket. Yeah. It’s not Easter.
2. This looks like a bowl but it’s really part of Nadia’s kitchen set. I had hoped that set would be on its way out, but for now that remains a dream. Returned the “sink” to its proper place.
3. Bane of my existence, I mean, play doh. There’s a designated place for art supplies and messy stuff, so, put away.
4. These are like a bazillion little magnets representing chores and goals for preschoolers. I think I’m going to see if Nadia’s preschool teacher wants them. They didn’t really work for us.
5. Bag of confetti. My sister sent this in a big jar full of similar things like sequins because she hates me for the girls to do artwork with. It’s in a safe place now. Other than the fridge top.
6. These may look like ordinary markers, but they are extremely dangerous in the wrong hands, ie, Nadia’s. Sigh. With the art supplies.
7. Ditto. (it’s a little stamp kit).
8. Um. Junk drawer. It’s to keep mittens/gloves together. You may say I’m a dreamer.
9. Wind-up flashlight. It goes in the “Let there be light” box with candles, matches, and hey, other flashlights. Excellent.
10. Tool box. The kids love playing with these. I find them all over the house.
11. Non-skid drawer liner stuff. It’s handy. I tucked it away in a basket somewhere else.
12. and, um, 12. Both candleholders. One I stuck in the LTBL box with the flashlight, the other got put in a large box of other candleholders.

There was also a half a dozen or so little vases, which I found room for in one of the kitchen cupboards. And so:


This shelving unit doesn't really fit here, but it's better than what was here before. Longer term, it could go in the furnace/storage room, but until that gets dug out, this is a good spot for overflow linens and misc. Those are suitcases up top. Finally out from underfoot.

Next week: I think I'll shoot for the end table. There's more crap here than it looks like and I have no idea where I'm going to put any of it.

Don't worry, I won't inflict the item-by-item inventory on you for every post. And for the ones I do... I'll use a bigger font on the number labels. Sorry about that...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, nice progress. Doesn't it feel like a completely miserable uphill battle against the Stuff? There was a magical point when I got extremely happy when I could get rid of something with zero regret, knowing that it's either (a) easy and inexpensive to replace, (b) easy to borrow, (c) serves a rare or odd purpose that can be served by a similar item in the house (i.e. cookie sheets with a placemat on them can double as that spare tray).

    It sounds like you're well on your way. PROUD of you.
